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Neuropsychological Assessment

We provide comprehensive neuropsychological and psychodiagnostic assessment services across the lifespan, including pediatric, adolescent, adult, geriatric and elderly. Several of our Associates possess special interest and expertise in the assessment of geriatric patients with a variety of cognitive and behavioral disorders that may include dementia syndromes of various causes, as well as the more common mood disorders that are frequently accompanied by a variety of cognitive complaints generally associated with memory loss. Elderly patients who are depressed are frequently misdiagnosed as having a CNS disease-related dementia syndrome. Since depressive disorders are frequently treatable and often fully reversible, this is a particularly important differential diagnosis among the elderly.
Our Associates also possess specialty skills in Pediatric and Adolescent Neuropsychology. Such cases often involve developmental disorders, attention-deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity, psychoeducational disorders, and at times injuries and diseases of the brain and nervous system (e.g. traumatic, infectious, metabolic, neoplastic, etc.). Differential diagnosis of behavioral and emotional disorders, particularly those that are associated with cognitive difficulties and school-related problems, are among our more frequent referrals. We work closely with several pediatricians, child neurologists, child psychiatrists and special educators in order to provide for the most comprehensive assessment and necessary treatment planning and interventions.

Psychodiagnostic Assessment

Psychodiagnostic assessments focus on understanding the individual’s formal thought processes, emotional and personality functioning to help make accurate diagnoses and assist in the planning of appropriate treatments. The Psychodiagnostic assessment typically involves an interview and specialized measures and questionnaires targeting description of thought processes, personality characteristics, and mood state. A typical assessment will take several hours of examination time, after which the psychologist spends additional time analyzing the results and preparing a report. Psychodiagnostic assessment can help clarify issues so they can become a target for treatment. Psychodiagnostic Assessment may be particularly important in forensic cases involving emotional distress, trauma and other stressor-related disorders, anxiety, depression, sexual-molestation, wrongful termination and chronic medical illness/pain.

Forensic Services

Neuroscience Associates provides a variety of forensic-related services. We offer case review and consultation that often promotes a streamlined and more cost-effective approach to forensic case management. This includes multi-disciplinary team consultation and client evaluations, records review and analysis, organization of expert panels, preparation of reports and other litigation-related activities. We believe that our team-approach has helped to promote satisfactory settlements in many of the most difficult brain injury-related claims to the benefit of all parties.

FAA Screening

A review of all available records, including academic records, records of prior psychiatric hospitalizations, and records of periods of observation or treatment (e.g., psychiatrist, psychologist, or pediatric neuropsychiatrist treatment notes). Records must be in sufficient detail to permit a clear evaluation of the nature and extent of any previous mental disorders. A thorough clinical interview to include a detailed history regarding: psychosocial or developmental problems; academic and employment performance; legal issues; substance use/abuse (including treatment and quality of recovery); aviation background and experience; medical conditions, and all medication use; and behavioral observations during the interview and testing. A mental status examination. Interpretation of a full battery of neuropsychological and psychological tests including but not limited to the core test battery (specified below). An integrated summary of findings with an explicit diagnostic statement, and the neuropsychologist’s opinion(s) and recommendation(s) regarding clinically or aeromedically significant findings and the potential impact on aviation safety consistent with the Federal Aviation Regulations.

NFL Concussion Settlement

Retired NFL players who have opted in to the NFL Concussion Settlement can obtain a neuropsychological assessment through the Baseline Assessment Program (BAP) or the Monetary Award Fund (MAF) Program. Assessments are conducted by Lori Holt, PhD, ABPP-CN or one of the other Neuropsychologist-Associates from our practice with expertise in sports neuropsychology and traumatic brain injury. Retired players wishing to undergo a BAP Neuropsychological Assessment must schedule the appointment through the BAP Administrator: Brown Greer. Fees for the BAP Neuropsychological Assessment are covered by the NFL Concussion Settlement.
Those going through the MAF program may contact us directly at 310-855-1265 to schedule an appointment for a neuropsychological evaluation after they have received a referral from a Qualified MAF Physician (if you need to find a Qualified MAF Physician near you, you can use the MAF Physician Locator provided through the NFL Concussion Settlement website). Fees for the MAF Neuropsychological Assessment are paid by the retired player or his legal counsel. Insurance does not provide coverage or reimbursement for these evaluations.

NCAA Concussion Settlement: Medical Monitoring Program

All former NCAA student-athletes who are eligible for the Medical Monitoring Program can receive free a neuropsychological assessment at no charge to them. This assessment is part of a medical evaluation designed to assess symptoms related to persistent post-concussion syndrome, as well as cognitive, mood, behavioral, and motor problems that may be associated with mid- to late-life onset diseases resulting from concussions and/or subconcussive hits, such as Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy and related disorders. If you are found to qualify for Medical Evaluation based upon the results of your online Screening Questionnaire, you may schedule your Neuropsychological Assessment by calling 310-855-1265 or emailing Info@Neuroscience.LA. At that time, you will also be assisted in scheduling the Neurology Exam. Please refer to the NCAA Concussion settlement website for further details.


We have access to a wide variety of additional medical, neurological, psychiatric and rehabilitative services to whom we may wish to refer for further diagnostic study and consultation. Examples may include traditional neurodiagnostic measures such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and standard clinical electroencephalography (EEG). Given the complexity of many of our referrals, we may also wish to refer occasional selected patients for additional functional brain imaging studies that include single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), positron emission tomography (PET), quantitative EEG (QEEG), invasive EEG with telemetry, and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI/MRS). Since many of these measures are primarily experimental in nature with only very limited applications in the areas of brain disease and related neurobehavioral disorders, such referrals are highly selected and closely scrutinized prior to referral for such studies. All referrals for additional medical, laboratory and neurodiagnostic evaluations are made with physician review and consent, with the agreement of all parties involved, and generally include payment pre-authorization.
Life care planning services are an important part of the future care picture for many patients with severe brain injuries and diseases that are more enduring or lifelong. Since it is most important to allocate various services to such patients in a cost-effective manner, we may refer to life care planners for further consultation. Most often, these consultants are nursing professionals with additional training, expertise and experience in the life care planning process.